Jonny Cool Outdoors

Somewhere just off the beaten path...

Day Hike 4 – MST – Laurel Run Road to Jo Hays Vista

G-Force and I went on our first point-to-point hike from Laurel Run Road to Jo Hays Visit. We met at Jo Hays Vista at 6:30 am, left the Escape there, and traveled over Pine Swamp Road to Laurel Run Road. We parked at Little Shingletown Trail and began our hike that encompassed the Mid State Trail and Jackson Trail. Along the way we saw many vistas, crows fighting a hawk, turkey vultures taking off so close to us we could hear their wings beating the air, a porcupine hanging upside down from a fallen tree (sorry no picture), and a few rocks.

From 50 Hikes In Central Pennsylvania by Tom Thwaites:

“Jackson Trail follows Tussey Ridge and is one of the most scenic trails near State College; however, the footway on Tussey Ridge varies from unusually rocky to nothing but rocks, rocks, and more rocks, so hiking boots are in order.”

Duration: 6 Hours
Length: 7 Miles

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