Jonny Cool Outdoors

Somewhere just off the beaten path...

The Kayakers


The VxV Paddle Team invaded Penns Creek on Good Friday 2010.

Big Z and I ran support for G-Force, DJ Chrizzle, and Hammer Down JLynch for the first leg of their journey which, in its entirety, went from Coburn to Poe Paddy State Park.

We dropped a shuttle vehicle at Poe Paddy by the mouth of the Big Poe Creek and then headed back over the mountain to Coburn.

Big Z and I were able to take pictures at the launch site, by the east opening of the Coburn Tunnel, and finally from the old train trestle spanning Penns Creek.

After the kayakers headed out of sight around the bend, Big Z and I headed home to enjoy the rest of a very Good Friday.

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