Jonny Cool Outdoors

Somewhere just off the beaten path...

Quehanna Mini History Tour

Between Pine Glen and Karthaus

Pennsylvania Jack – “The Murder of Young Clara Price”

Beaver Run / Paige Run Vista

Jet Engine Test Cell North

Wikipedia Entry for Quehanna Wild Area – Atoms for Peace

Kune’s Camp

Opposite the 3 mile marker on the Quehanna Highway, a new trail follows an old camp driveway that is now gated off. It goes west for about a mile to an unusual rock formation that was used to make a hunting camp. Here there are two parallel long boulders, of a length and height just right for the walls of the camp; then all that had to be done was to close off the ends of the enclosure and add a roof to have a quite serviceable camp. However, the interior walls were added, probably to keep out snakes. They do like to hang around these boulders.

From “Greate Buffaloe Swamp” by Ralph Seeley


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